
Impact of depression on Sex life!!

Estimated read time 3 min read

Depression is indeed living in a mortal body that fights vigilantly to stay alive with a tiresome mind that urges to die!! It is a common illness that not only lays a negative emphasis on the lives of both the physical and mental health of an individual. Many times, such a health condition is ignored and not taken on a very serious note which eventually leads to a lot of setbacks in our day to day lives.

Social stigma has been prominent in society in today’s times and despite the status of the same, depression remains a common problem in the lives of many individuals. Even a good relationship becomes therapeutic for anybody who is suffering from the monster’s health condition of depression. This common illness should not be ignored and the required treatment of the same should be given to it at the appropriate time in order to avoid any further health hazards.

Effects of depression

Effects of depression noticed:

Now, let us have a look at some of the prominent effects that can be noticed in depressed patients in certain situations: –

  • A depressed person is usually easily withdrawn and he or she doesn’t get easily involved in activities which earlier used to be loved by him/her. One such activity indeed includes sex! Depression in sex life also gives rise to inattentiveness and the partner suffering from depression doesn’t even realize that his soul mate desires the same amount of attention as they are paying towards them.
  • Hostility or low moods or even frequent mood swings disturbs the intensity of the relationship and also creates a distance between the two partners who were at times deeply in love. The mere negligence depicted by the depressed partner makes the bonding of the relationship fragile and tends to weaken the bond effectively. Impact laid on sex life due to depression is a matter of concern and the illness of depression should be treated carefully with an empathetic attitude.

Patients suffering from depression always are hesitant and are not able to share their feelings to even their close ones around. They are not able to articulate well leading to a negative impact of depression on their sex lives. Thus, there is an immediate need to find prominent measures for the treatment of depression and also to support the depressed patients in order to help them cope throughout the path of recovery.