Writing for a living in some way, shape or form is the sort of thing that lots of people want to be able to do at any given point in time. A big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that if you manage to write an amazing novel, chances are that it would help you get a lot of respect in society and as if that wasn’t already enough there is a high likelihood that you would get an incredibly lucrative book deal as well which would enable you to start upgrading your life in a wide range of ways.
The thing about writing is that you need to do a lot of networking if you want to find an agent that is willing to represent you, and one way to do that would be to use Metal Business Kards. Your designation on the business card would obviously be writer, and that will help communicate to people what you are actually trying to do with your life and that you are attempting to start a career that would ideally end with you winning a literary award of some type.
You shouldn’t expect to become a successful writer overnight, though. Most writers have to go through years and years of rejection before they can final get to a point where someone is willing to publish their book. You need to develop your reputation slowly but surely, and eventually your hard work will most definitely end up paying off. The key here is to stay persistent and to never give up no matter what happens and how many obstacles and rejections you face.